2018 Dennis Summerbell Lecture nominations. Following a generous donation, the BSDB has instituted this award lecture, to be delivered at its annual Autumn Meeting by a junior researcher at either PhD or Post-doctoral level. The BSDB Autumn Meeting 2018 will be the Joint BSDB/Nordic Conference of Developmental Biology held 25-27 October 2017 at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden). Applicants should have a maximum of 10 years research experience, should not be a principal investigator, and should be attendants of the conference. To be considered for this award, please send a 1 page CV, a paragraph from your PI in support of your application and an abstract for your presentation to Megan Davey (megan.davey@roslin.ed.ac.uk), the BSDB’s organiser of this meeting, by Monday, 14 August 2017. For more information, please click on the link at the start of this paragraph.
2018 BSDB Waddington Medal nominations. The Waddington Medal is the most prestigous prize of the BSDB, , being awarded to an outstanding individual who has made major contributions to any aspect of Developmental Biology in the UK. Please, put forward names of potential nominees by Friday, 30 June 2017. The BSDB secretary will contact nominators to ask for full nominations. For more information, please click on the link at the start of this paragraph.
2018 Cheryll Tickle Medal nominations. The medal will be awarded to a mid-career, female scientist for her outstanding achievements in the field of Developmental Biology. Nominees should have started their own research group in the UK within the last 15 years, with allowances for career breaks. Nominees should have made significant contributions to UK Developmental Biology and stand out as a role model for early career female researchers.Formal nominations should be made to the BSDB Secretary (secretary@bsdb.org) by Friday, 30 June 2017. For more information, please click on the link at the start of this paragraph.