The Dennis Summerbell Lecture Award

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Background & History

Following a generous donation, the BSDB has instituted the Dennis Summerbell Lecture, to be delivered at its annual Autumn Meeting by a postdoctoral researcher who is close to approaching independence. The awardee is selected from abstracts submitted for the Autumn Meeting. The awardee’s costs for attending the meeting will be met in full.

Dennis Summerbell made seminal contributions to our understanding of limb bud patterning by combining detailed quantitative analysis with elegant models, bringing insightful conceptual advances to the field. In addition to his research, Dennis made major contributions to Developmental Biology through his mentoring of junior researchers. An account of his work can be found on page 10 0f the BSDB Summer Newsletter from 2005 [LINK]. 

Summerbell Awardees

The 2022 Summerbell Award Lecture was awarded to Lara Busby (University of Cambridge, and our very own BSDB graduate student rep!)  at the Lewis Wolpert Memorial Symposium at University College London. Her talk was awarded introduced by Amata Hornbruch, and provided a fitting continuation of the themes that underly the work of both Dennis Summerbell and Lewis Wolpert. This was be held on September 13-14th 2022. Read the meeting report here. 


Past recipients

  • 2018 Mariya Dobreva VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research and Department of Human Genetics, KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • 2017 Helen Weavers (School of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biomedical – [blog post]
  • 2016 Iwo Kucinski (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge) – [details]
