Dear Teachers of Developmental Biology and Beyond,
I am pleased to announce the return of a regular zoom forum focused on teaching in Developmental Biology. This forum will meet twice a month through the spring and will be offered at two different times to encourage the participation of individuals from different time zones. These forums will provide an opportunity for community building among teachers in this amazing and complex field, as well as strive to provide pedagogical supports particularly during this continued period of pandemic teaching.
In the beginning we will try to re-establish the community and take a pulse of the current challenges and successes everyone is experiencing. Moving forward we will attempt focus on some critical areas that continue to stretch our imagination, such as the remote lab experience, encouraging engagement in both synchronous and asynchronous modes of teaching, and assessments to just name a few. What new approaches have you developed in this remote teaching that will be sustained post-pandemic restrictions? There is a lot we can learn from each other. I hope you will consider attending at least one session a month that best fits your schedule. The dates and zoom links for these are listed below. Sincere thanks for your consideration in attending, as the quality of this forum rests upon the participation of the community.
Best wishes for the best of 2021,
Michael J. Barresi
Thursday Sessions at 8:00 PM EST:
Every month on the 4th Thursday until May27th we will meet at 8:00PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Jan 28; Feb 25; Mar 25; Apr 22; May 27
Zoom Link: Please reach out to Michael Barresi at to gain access.
Tuesday Sessions at 12:00 PM EST:
Every 4 weeks on Tuesday until May 4 we will meet at 12:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Feb 9; Mar 9; Apr 6; May 4
Zoom Link: Please reach out to Michael Barresi at to gain access.