BSDB Childcare grants

The BSDB have set up a fund to help offset additional child care costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at BSDB Spring or Autumn meetings. Eligible costs include contributions towards fees for a baby-sitter or child-care facility, travel costs for a care giver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. This fund is not strictly restricted to childcare – requests for costs related to other caring responsibilities will also be considered.

Please note that (for now) this fund can only be used for attendance at BSDB meetings where the applicant will present their work as a poster or a talk.


 We will provide up to a maximum of £250 per applicant.

 Applicants must be BSDB members. 

 The application deadline is 6 weeks prior the start of the relevant BSDB meeting. We aim to inform applicants of the outcome within 2 weeks of the deadline.

 To apply please email the meetings secretary Sally Lowell at with the following information:

* Your name and email address

* Your current place of work (Institution /City /Country)

* Which BSDB meeting you plan to attend

* Title and co-authors for the poster or talk that you will present at the meeting

* Confirmation that you are a member of the BSDB

* A justification for why the support is required (no more than 250 words)

* A breakdown of the costs requested (no more than £250)

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