On 7-10 Oct 2015 the Joint meeting of the BSDB with the Spanish and Portuguese Societies of Developmental Biology took place on a sea side resort of the Algarve in Portugal, organised by António Jacinto, Domingos Henrique, Miguel Manzanares, Josh Brickman and Kate Storey. If you did not have the opportunity to attend or would like to relive the experience, please read the detailed meeting report by Ana Ribeiro which has now been published on The Node and features talks by Austin Smith, Sally Lowell, Berenika Plusa, Andrew Johnson, Kate Storey, Elisa Marti, Anna Philpott, François Guillemot, Alexandre Raposo, Cláudia Barros, Rita Sousa-Nunes, Leonor Saúde, Andrew Oates, Berta Alsina, Juan R. Martinez-Morales, Claudia Linker, Ana Pombo, Rui Martinho, Javier Lopez-Rios and Moisés Mallo.