The Royal Institution Christmas Lecturer 2013 Alison Woollard


The Royal Institution CHRISTMAS LECTURES® series are entertaining and informative science events for young people, broadcast on BBC television. The CHRISTMAS LECTURES® theme  changes every year and are delivered by an expert in their field. This  years lectures will be presented by Alison Woollard, a developmental biologist working in the Biochemistry Department, University of Oxford who studies the development of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. She will present the demonstration packed, three-part series called Life Fantastic which will air on BBC Four 14, 17 and 19 December 2013.



The team at the Royal Institution are looking for scientists to answer questions online from the public and school students about developmental biology. We are teaming up with the award winning online science engagement event, I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here (IAS) to provide a moderated space for school students and the public to ask questions sparked by the broadcast. If you are interested there is more information here: or email if you have any questions.

Gurdon Summer Studentships

Next year the BSDB will be launching the new Gurdon Summer Studentship programme.  This will be a new opportunity for young undergraduates to apply for an 8 week summer studentship. These are aimed at providing highly motivated students with exceptional qualities and a strong interest in Developmental Biology an opportunity to engage in practical research. We will be looking for students with a clear career vision, who have taken initiative to establish contacts with research laboratories where they can perform projects in the area of Developmental Biology that will enrich and complement their portfolio of expertises and enhance their future career perspectives.

The application deadline is 31st of March 2014