Category Archives: Opportunities

BSDB Gurdon Summer Studentship Report

In 2014, the BSDB has initiated the Gurdon Summer Studentship program with the intention of providing highly motivated students with exceptional qualities and a strong interest in Developmental Biology an opportunity to engage in practical research. The 10 successful applicants spent 8 weeks in the research laboratories of their choices, and the feedback we received was outstanding. Please, read the student reports kindly sent to us by Benedetta Carbone, George Choa and George Hunt.

Post doc representative on the BSDB committee

The BSDB committee are inviting applications and nominations for a post doctoral representative to join the committee. We already have a Graduate Student representative and feel that the post doctoral community should also be represented. This position is available immediately and would be for a two year  term and we would like someone in place by the New Year ideally. The post doc rep would attend committee meetings twice a year, one at the annual Spring BSDB-BSCB meeting and one in London in the fall. They would act as a voice and conduit for the postdoc community within the BSDB. This a great opportunity to gain insight and understanding of how a learned Society is run and could serve as a valuable addition to a CV. Please send applications and nominations to the BSDB Secretary :