Category Archives: News

BSDB 2011 spring meeting

The BSDB 2011 spring meeting was held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, from 27-30 April 2011.

This was a joint Annual Spring Meeting with the British Society for Cell Biology. Plenary speakers were Mark Krasnow and Graham Warren, and sessions included:

  • Cell adhesion and migration
  • Cilia and flagella
  • Inflammation
  • Integrative approaches to development
  • Pathogens and membrane traffic
  • Physiology and disease
  • Plasticity
  • Evolution, signalling and development

The annual spring symposium is a major meeting in the international calendar. It covers a broad range of topics in developmental biology and is often held jointly with the British Society for Cell Biology (BSCB) or the Genetics Society. Attendance is usually 400-500 delegates. The format usually includes:

  • Four or five sessions of research talks
  • Sessions on other topics of interest to UK developmental biologists (e.g. funding, careers)
  • Waddington Medal Lecture
  • Beddington Medal Lecture
  • Poster sessions with prizes for the best poster
  • The BSDB AGM, including elections of new committee members
